Exploitation vs Avantgarde
Two different approaches to film-making and -production: a retrospective view on Hollywood and its B-pictures and a current perspective on independent structures - a dialogue between Stephanie Rothman and Nina Menkes, invited by Viennale 07. But as different as the cinematographic structures, chosen by the directors, may be, there is some important mutual ground for Rothman and Menkes: the strive to communicate feminist ideas.
Good Porn for Good Girls?
What does it mean to work in the porn industry and what difference does it make if a women wrote the script and stands behind the camera? A panel discussion during the 2.Porn Filmfestival in Berlin with Erika Lust (Barcelona), Jennifer Lynn (Melbourne/Berlin), Julia Ostertag (Berlin), Ovidie (Paris), Petra Joy (Brighton) and Audacia Ray (New York).
The Oil of the 21st Century - The Poverty of the Small Author
In the age of digital reproduction, the problem of the “small author” remains: as the problem of the Intellectual Proprietor and his or her material reproduction, but also, and more importantly, as a problem of a specific political mentality. Among the many possible modes of production and subjectivation, the figure of the “small author” - who is always already deprived from the fruits of his hard labor, either by “the industry” or by “the pirates” - may be the most unfortunate one.
The Oil of the 21st Century - Keep Up Your Rights, Case by Case
Current debates about Intellectual Property are often focused on the level of national law - and the need for its international harmonization - and the sphere of universal rights, like freedom of speech or access to information and medicine. Still, neither the vision of globalized law nor the desire for universal human rights seem to do justice to the facts on the ground, to the specific nature of the contained and often local Intellectual Property conflicts in everyday life.
The Oil of the 21st Century - File-Sharing as Culture Industry
Peer-to-peer networks are here to stay. Often dismissed as a mere conspiracy of teenage consumers against the media industry, these networks have become one of the most powerful and resilient environments for the collaborative production and reproduction of cultural data. Thus it seems that the question of file-sharing is no longer just a matter of identifying and routing around its corporate adversaries. Instead, it is becoming a question of organization.
The Oil of the 21st Century - General Rights Management
Digital Rights Management (DRM) not only a proposes a set of new technological measures against unauthorized copying. It also promotes, on a conceptual level, an idea of individual rights that are no longer declared or granted, but instead directly implemented as the functionality - or the defects - of technology. Rights Management in general appears to be one of the most far-reaching new paradigms of control. The field of rights that it promises to manage stretches far beyond the Intellectual Property of the entertainment industry.
Alltag Überwachung
Ob durch neue Kameras oder dauerhafte Speicherung von Telefondaten, ob sichtbar oder im Verborgenen: Immer mehr Informationen über den Einzelnen werden gesammelt, gespeichert und verknüpft. Alles zur Sicherheit der Bürger und zum Vorteil der Konsumenten? Vollzieht sich ein Wandel im Umgang mit Informationen in der digitalen Welt oder ist es bereits der Weg in den Überwachungsstaat? Spurensuche in Deutschland - ein Video-Feature in vier Teilen.
Store Wars - Join the Organic Rebellion
chocolate city - we are here to stay
Ein Tag in New Orleans, ein Jahr nach Katrina. Ergreifende Bilder zeichnen die Folgen des Wirbelsturms nach. Zu Wort kommt die Arbeit der NGO „Common Grounds collective“, die sich gegen die Beschlagnahmung von Häusern in vorwiegend von Afro-AmerikanerInnen bewohnten Vierteln wendet.