Helikopter - Heinrich Dubel
The essence or the hidden identity of the helicopter appear as a dichotomy; on the one hand a total threat coming from above, something you cannot possibly escape from, the all-seeing flying eye in the sky, the omnidirectional warmachine; and at the same time, its opposite: a rescuer coming from the air, from heaven above, as an angel. One aspect of this idea is of release (or freedom): Release from threat and fear but also freedom that can be attained if you grow above and beyond yourself.
Flintenweib - Andrea Moll
»Flintenweib« ist eine auf deutscher Seite gebräuchliche feindliche Bezeichnung für die sowjetische Soldatin im Zweiten Weltkrieg, sie wurde in Propaganda und Befehlsgebung der Wehrmacht angewandt – mit mörderischer Konsequenz. Der Begriff „Flintenweib“ äußert auch eine soziale Konstruktion des Weiblichen und Männlichen im Krieg.
Entertainment - Emil Hrvatin
and to present various approaches to entertainment in different armies today as well as to question why don't we have entertainment for peacekeeping soldiers on international level. Lecture will consist on presenting documents as well as a part of documentary about American Military Theatre festival I am busy with.
DAVOS/DUBAI - Christian von Borries
Coloniality - Soenke Zehle
Autoxylopyrocycloboros - Simon Starling
Autoxylopyrocycloboros (2006) took the form of self-defeating journey in a small wooden steam boat. The voyage, made on the waters of Loch Long, Scotland, home to the Trident submarine base and neighbouring peace camp, was fuelled with wood from the boat itself, as plank by plank, piece by piece, it was feed to its own boiler, until inevitably disappearing into the submarine infested depths of the Loch.
Alert - Irit Rogoff & Meir Wigoder
An occupation, military or civilian, is lived out at many different levels, modalities and distances. The suffering that is visited upon those whose freedoms are curtailed, whose movement is blocked and whose lives are threatened is rarely matched by the misgivings of those implicated in inflicting the occupation, or those associated with it through citizenship or other modes of inscription. Our concern here is with the question of how the occupiers might vigilantly live out an occupation beyond the simple rhetorics of resistance.