The Power and the Glory - Talk by Giorgio Agamben
Giorgio Agamben, renowned philosopher, engages in particular with
language and social conflicts, teaches at the Universit‡ IUAV di
Venezia, CollËge International de Philosophie, Paris. Among his books
are: Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Remnants of
Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive and The Open: Man and Animal.
His most recent works are: State of Exception, and The Time that
Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans.
Wagner-Feigl-Forschung: Die Enzyklopädie der Performancekunst
Paul Granjon: "Reflections and Constructions of a Button Pusher
Mission: Art Center
Mission: Art Center is documenting the ways, the municipality is using in its absurd war against cultural, artistic and developmental center – Art center in Goričko. In this video you can hear absurd claims, such as, that the program of Art center would be suitable for big metropolis such as Berlin, but not in the rural areas.
Ljubezen do umetnosti - ali imajo oblastniki radi denar?
Kako v.d. direktorja Art centra Petra Pika Pevec skrbi za Art center?
This is a four minute documented conversation between the working team of Art center in Goričko and Art center's illegally imposed active manager Petra Pika Pevec, who in more than 9 months, though being payed, didn't manage to come to Art center, but did manage to block the account, destroy several project financed by EU and national founds, cut the phone and internet and evict the working team.