Translation - Tom Keenan
Sunday, July 23 2006
What sort of language is war, if it is one? What would "total" conflict be? When does escalation become impossible? When the violence is not exercised to force others into a conversation, or to change the terms of a debate, but in order to end a debate, to remove the other party in a debate once and for all, when debate itself -- or politics, or language -- is itself the target of the violence .... is that the limit? Is that the moment when things actually can't get any worse?
Transition - Erzen Shkololli
Sunday, July 23 2006
Presentation of a works will reflect the dramatic transformation of the region, connected in particular with decay of the local totalitarian regimes during the 1990's. By representing various forms of ethnic, religious or political predestination and manipulation symbolizing the contrast social situation in his homeland.
Resistance - Ingrid Strobl
Sunday, July 23 2006
Relativizing the Absolute "Resistance" is among those terms that although seemingly clear-cut, are in reality difficult to define. What is resistance? Who defines what it is? What conditions have to be met so that who identifies or recognizes what to be resistance? And which and whose interests stand behind the label?
Police War - Katja Diefenbach
Sunday, July 23 2006
We are currently entering a hegemonic war regime dominated by strategies of preventive intervention and crisis management, and therefore subject to the logic of the police. Elements of private enterprise war, of low-intensity warfare, of counter insurgency, of biopolitical administration, and of the police state of emergency are combined and legitimated as humanitarian mission, civilian-military cooperation, or just war. This war regime follows a calculation of control and security.
Peace-for-War - Brian Holmes
Sunday, July 23 2006
The concept I'm going to present draws directly from the work of Shimshon
Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan. It describes the economic phases of "depth"
and "breadth," and correlates them with the first- and second-order
cybernetics of control. It attempts to situate the functions of
cultural-communicational labor within these economic phases. It questions
those autonomists who thought it would be possible to transform a broadly
expansionary phase of capitalism, like that of the nineties, into a