Discipline - Ulrich Broeckling
Saturday, July 22 2006
disciplining in order to fight is "hot" - it mobilizes, transgresses and fuels the passions. Disciplining in order to effectively use force is "cold" - it controls, regularizes, and curbs the affects. The mix ratio is changing and the history of military disciplining can be described as a change between rather "hot" and rather "cold" epochs.
Defeat, for the - Nora Sternfeld
Saturday, July 22 2006
At 12 o'clock on April 8, 2005, in the Ostarrichi-Park in front of the Landesgericht (the regional court), a temporary monument to the defeat was unveiled that triggered a debate on the process of denazification and made an issue of the fact that this process was still unfinished today. The eight-sided object was conceived as a monumental plinth and it measured 2 meters in height and had a circumference of 11 meters.
Declaration of War - andcompany co.
Saturday, July 22 2006
andcompany & Co. Feat. Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma & Co.
In their lecture performance KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG they will explain and declare war at the same time, talking in stolen words, quotes borrowed from John L. Austin until Vladimir I. Lenin. For supplementary reading please check out the text "Die Kriegserklärung " by Karl Marx http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me10/me10_168.htm
Lone Twin: "Walk with me..."