The Swedish artists duo Mårten Spångberg (choreographer, Brussels) and Tor Lindstrand (architect, Stockholm) present their project "International Festival" on June 20th, at the Borderline Academy in Tarifa (ES).: "International Festival propose an alternative mode of production, which deterritorialise notions of commodity and spectacle, not in leaving choreography and becoming something else, nor by commenting directly on current notions of dance and theatre.
Borderline Academy: Round Table on Migration
A round table talk on borders, migration and freedom of movement with an emphasis on the situation in the Straits of Gibraltar -- featuring the local activists Helena Maleno and Nieves Garcia Benito as well as the migration researcher Sandro Mezzadra from Bologna. The presentations have been recorded at the Borderline Academy in Tarifa, at June 19th, 2005.
Border Geographies
Interview with Florian Schneider about Fadaiat - At the Incommunicado Conference in Amsterdam
Opening Fadaiat2// Borderline Academy
Claire Denis: Vienna Conversation
In May 2005, the Film Museum in Vienna has presented the work of French filmmaker Claire Denis – arguably the most important woman working in cinema today. The video contains the full recording of a 1.5 hours long conversation between Claire Denis and the Austrian film critics Michael Omasta and Isabella Reicher on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
FK Leipzig: "Directory"
Adrian Williams: "man made me"
Xavier Le Roy: "Product of Circumstances"
Rebecca Schneider/Ann Pellegrini: Passing on
Rebecca Schneider and Ann Pellegrini present "Passing on" at the summeracademy in Frankfurt on August 22, 2004. Rebecca Schneider is Associate Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at Brown University. As a "performing theorist" she has occasionally collaborated with artists, most recently in an installation by Hannah Hurtzig and Heike Roms at the British Museum in London as part of the London International Festival of Theatre. Ann Pellegrini is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Performance Studies at New York University.