Learning from Architecture
'Learning from Architecture" posits the assumption that rather than learning about architecture, it could be an methodology through which we could learn about that which lies beyond it. A debate featuring Nikolaus Hirsch, Eyal Weizman, John Palmesino, Aristide Antonas, Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, Jesko Jezer and more...
Urgent Thought: Hegemony, Exhaustion, Bologna
Liam Gillick: Day 5
Liam Gillick: Day 4
Liam Gillick: Day 3
Liam Gillick: Day 2
Liam Gillick: Day 1
Urgent Thought: Suspension, Defeat, Migration
Who is a companero? Part 2
what, or who, is a companero? or a comrade, genosse? is a companero the same as a comrade? and who is not a comrade, genosse, companero? across different political languages – not only the tongues in which they're spoken, but the different forms of political life that they express and participate in –, the point of a single-question interview is precisely to help differences appear.