Das Lied Von Der Erde
das lied von der erde, ‘the sky remains blue forever/ and the earth will remain for long/ and
bloom again/ in spring./ but you, man,/ how long do you have to live?/ not hundred years do you have to enjoy/ all the transient pleasures/ of this earth.’ (music by gustav mahler, poem by li-tai-po, translated from the chinese by hans bethgen) images from the via campesina march in rostock on the 3rd of june.
Enquanto Seu Lobo Nao Vem
‘enquanto seu lobo nao vem’
while mr. wolf doesn’t come
‘let’s take a walk in the hidden forest, my love/ let’s take a walk in the
avenue/ let’s take a walk through the paths, the high roads, my love/
there’s a mountain range under the tarmac (…)
(the brass of the military band)/ under the bombs, the flags/ (the brass
of the military band)/ under the boots/ (the brass of the military band)/
under the roses, the gardens/ (the brass of the military band)/ under the
mud/ (the brass of the military band)/ under the bed…’
(caetano veloso)
Prisoners of Love - 3te Staffel von "Le Ping Pong d'Amour"
Who is a companero? part 1
what, or who, is a companero? or a comrade, genosse? is a companero the same as a comrade? and who is not a comrade, genosse, companero?
across different political languages – not only the tongues in which they're spoken, but the different forms of political life that they express and participate in –, the point of a single-question interview is precisely to help differences appear.
Kennedi goes back home
This is a story of Yugoslavs who left the country in war and spent over ten years in Western Europe as refugees or in asylum. In the second half of the year 2002 European Union sent many of these people back to Serbia and Montenegro together with their families, believing that there were no more reasons for their stay. Procedures for their return were usually very strict. Families would be gathered during the night, transported to the airport and sent to Belgrade on the first flight.
Underground Londoners
Based on a year of ongoing conversations and interviews with migrant workers working as cleaners in the London Underground, this film is about their living and working conditions as as migrants with precarious status, as well as working under the Public Private Partnership of the London Underground.
This is a conversation that was held between Budge, Anja and Manuela on the occasion of the counter G8 rememberance summit in Heiligendamm 2077. Remembering migrancy and conditions for transnational movement, activism, hopes, desires and the general political climate at the beginning of the millenium.
Live From Gate 3 - Esteban Caliente in Northern Germany at the G8
elisabeth - future archive
This is a conversation that was held between Elisabeth, Anja and Manuela on the occasion of the counter G8 rememberance summit in heiligendamm 2077. Remembering activism, the beginnings of the urban garden movement, womens work, hopes, desires and the general political climate at the beginning of the millenium.
Block G8 - impressions from the blockades against the G8 on June 6 2007