Information - Ted Byfield
New York, September 26th 2009, 11:30
Information is, first and foremost, an English-language word with a checkered past -- in hermeneutics, jurisprudence, physics, genetics. Its current use is partly defined by context, communications, and partly by the baggage it carries from its prior incarnations, which are irreconcilable. Those tensions are precisely what lends the word the dynamism it needs to function as it does, as a sort of universal solvent.
Cold war planning - Jennifer S. Light
New York, September 26th 2009, 11:00
Cold war physical planning is frequently invoked in contemporary discussions about post 9/11 urban planning in the US, but another equally important/pervasive aspect of collaborations between defense planners and urban planners in the Cold War era is forgotten in these discussions. I'll talk about several technology-focused collaborations in the 1960s and suggest why this more expansive definition of Cold War planning history is important and relevant for thinking about cities and war today.
Oksana Bulgakowa: On Eisensteins Que viva Mexico
The Park – Investigation in a Post-Productive Cluster
Kharita 01: Symposium on Urban Trajectories in Cairo
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
Presentation by Marion von Osten, Katja Reichard, Peter Spillmann (in English)
Marwan Fayed: Legalising an Urban Tumour
Kharita 01: Symposium on Urban Trajectories in Cairo
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
(in Arabic)
Marwan Fayed proposes alternative approaches to conventional urban design practices. In Fayed’s interventions, function is not dictated by design, but rather, is ascribed by city inhabitants who constantly reprogram the use of public space. Based on observations of public behaviour, his site-specific applications lend themselves adaptable to the spontaneity of a constantly mutating landscape.