Testbedstudio at International Festival "The Theatre" Stockholm 3-5 February 2006
International Festival “The Theatre” takes as a series of departure points for the realization of the project – to develop and build a full-scale theatre on the basis of a budget conventionally issued for a theatre/dance performance - during Steirischer Herbst 2007 a number of seminars. These seminars are to be held on a quarterly basis in different cities in Europe, inviting old and new guest for discussions and processes. At each seminar a public session will be held where the invited guests give presentations of their own work, practically and theoretically.
Platforma 9,81 at International Festival "The Theatre" Stockholm 3-5 February 2006
International Festival “The Theatre” takes as a series of departure points for the realization of the project – to develop and build a full-scale theatre on the basis of a budget conventionally issued for a theatre/dance performance - during Steirischer Herbst 2007 a number of seminars. These seminars are to be held on a quarterly basis in different cities in Europe, inviting old and new guest for discussions and processes. At each seminar a public session will be held where the invited guests give presentations of their own work, practically and theoretically.
Felix Kubin: Paralektronoia über Geister und Elektrizität
Jürgen Fritz: Black Market International - The 2th Anniversary
International Festival - Plastic Bag Video 6
The series of videos created under the motto “many and half good” continues. The sixth version is not much at all, just a bit of happiness with the editing software and a certain love for good commercials. Reediting commercials is of course not something new but one can wonder what position this work offers in respect of viral marketing.
Archipelago of Exception - Zygmunt Bauman and Giorgio Agamben in conversation
The cartography that describes this archipelago of state-of-exception extraterritorial spaces, leads us to reflect upon the scope of the sovereignty of the traditional State and also upon the nature of power, the validity of political rights and the value of human life in an increasingly interdependent world.
Robert Verzola - Incommunicado Interviews
Robert Verzola (Philippines) notes that the utility of personal technical skills depends on context; working in rural projects, he concluded that farmers have more important skills in relation to local needs. Verzola has been trying to find a way to apply his technical knowledge to rural projects, yet many places have no electricity. Going there with a laptop is like going to help the poor from inside a limousine.
Ravi Sundaram - Incommunicado Interviews
For Ravi Sundaram (India), the central dynamic of 'development' is an informal network economy on the margins (or even outside of) of modern property regimes. His research focuses on ordinary people constructing decentralized technological infrastructures through extra-market, non-legal forms of organising access to media.
Bernardo Sorj - Incommunicado Interviews
Bernardo Sorj, who is researching telecentres in Brazil, argues to develop an integrated view on the use of Internet in the slums. Digital inclusion is not an aim in itself. It only makes sense in a broader context of social and political If you can't read of type it is cynical to talk about universal access. These days, civil society is facing a crisis of maturity. Global civil society is a nice utopia but doesn't exist. Instead we should talk about national civil society. Resources are in the North and not in the South. We should to make global agendas, this time with good intensions.
Shuddhabrata Sengupta - Incommunicado Interviews
Shuddhabrata Sengupta (India) calls on those promoting ICT development to 'develop a thought of our own obsolescence', just as today's gadgets will be obsolete tomorrow, our self-image as those who already represent a technological future that has yet to arrive elsewhere is mistaken. He also stresses the need to approach collective efforts in a more factual way, beyond the romantic idea of cross-cultural collaboration as an end in itself, and instead focus on the aims, ethics, and protocols of collaboration.