Dictionary of War

Exergue: Novi Sad

Exergue: Novi Sad"The necessity of not having control over language, of being a foreigner in one's own tongue in order to draw speech to oneself and 'bring something incomprehensible into the world.'" I chose a quote of a quote as the exergue i would like to put in the beginning of the 5th edition of the "Dictionary of war".

Home front - Michalis Pichler

Home front - Michalis PichlerGod Bless



Untermensch im Osten - Peter Jahn

Untermensch im Osten - Peter JahnDer Krieg im Osten 1941-1945, der mehr als 30 Millionen Menschen das Leben kostete, sprengte alle Grenzen zwischen „erlaubtem“ Töten feindlicher Soldaten im Kampf und dem Mord an Gefangenen und Zivilisten. „Zig Millionen“ zivile Opfer sah schon die deutsche Planung vor, die folgende Kriegsrealität war der Planung adäquat. Unter den Faktoren, die einen derart enthemmten Krieg möglich machten, wird hier das deutsche Feindbild des slawischen Untermenschen thematisiert: Inhalt, Kontext, Funktion, Tradition.

Safe Distance - kuda.org

Safe Distance - kuda.orgSafe Distance is video that was recorded during NATO air strikes against FR Yugoslavia. Videotape shows electronic cockpit of the US Air Force plane. There were 4 airplanes flying from NATO-base from Italy to destination in Yugoslavia. Mission objective was to bomb several targets in the area around city of Novi Sad. On the way back, after mission was completed, plane was shot. Tape (Sony Video 8) was found near crashed plane in Fruska Gora mountain in Srem region. It shows electronic cockpit with basic graphical interface and voice communication between pilots.

Resist, Refuse, Rebel - Rimini Protokoll

Resist, Refuse, Rebel - Rimini ProtokollThe two Vietnam Veterans and Anti-War activists Darnell Stephen Summers and Dave Blalock with their definition of Resist...Refuse...Rebell

Profit - Stefan Heidenreich

Profit - Stefan HeidenreichEine kurze Ökonomie des Kriegs als Dienstleistung: Was wird beim Krieg verdient. Wer bietet den Service an. Zu welchem Preis. Wer kauft. Wer zahlt. Wie sieht der Markt aus.

Portrait/Mugshot - Armin Smailovic

Portrait/Mugshot - Armin SmailovicDuring my military time in former yugoslavia i had to photograph more than 4500 soldiers for their military IDs. This happened 3 years before the war, which started 91.
In the age of 19 and not enough politically grown to realize what i ve got in my hands, the negatives were just trash for me, after i printed 4 copies for each soldier. So all together something like 18000 prints in B/W.
Then in 91 i went to the croatian war as a war photographer.

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